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Version: v0.7.x


What kind of vulnerabilities can Copa patch?

Copa is capable of patching "OS level" vulnerabilities. This includes packages (like openssl) in the image that are managed by a package manager such as apt or yum. Copa is not currently capable of patching vulnerabilities at the "application level" such as Python packages or Go modules (see below for more details).

What kind of vulnerabilities can Copa not patch?

Copa is not capable of patching vulnerabilities for compiled languages, like Go, at the "application level", for instance, Go modules. If your application uses a vulnerable version of the module, Copa will be unable to patch it. This is because Copa doesn't have access to the application's source code or the knowledge of how to build it, such as compiler flags, preventing it from patching vulnerabilities at the application level.

To patch vulnerabilities for applications, you can package these applications and consume them from package repositories, like for Ubuntu, and ensure Trivy can scan and report vulnerabilities for these packages. This way, Copa can patch the applications as a whole, though it cannot patch specific modules within the applications.

My disk space is being filled up after using Copa. How can I fix this?

If you find that your storage is rapidly being taken up after working with Copa, run docker system prune. This will prune all unused images, containers and caches.

After Copa patched the image, why does the scanner still show patched OS package vulnerabilities?

After scanning the patched image, if you’re still seeing vulnerabilities that have already been addressed in the patch layer, it could be due to the scanner reporting issues on each individual layer. Please reach out to your scanner vendor for assistance in resolving this.

Can I replace the package repositories in the image with my own?


Experimental: This feature might change without preserving backwards compatibility.

Copa does not support replacing the repositories in the package managers with alternatives. Images must already use the intended package repositories. For example, for debian, updating /etc/apt/sources.list from to a mirror, such as

If you need the tooling image to use a different package repository, you can create a source policy to define a replacement image and/or pin to a digest. For example, the following source policy replaces image with

cat <<EOF > source-policy.json
"rules": [
"action": "CONVERT",
"selector": {
"identifier": "docker-image://"
"updates": {
"identifier": "docker-image://"


The tooling image for Debian-based images can be or depending on the target image version. RPM-based repos use

For more information on source policies, see Buildkit Source Policies.